September 16-20, 2019 | Marriott Hotel, Minsk, Belarus
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  • Manuscript submission open5 September 2019
  • Registration deadline 5 September 2019
  • Manuscript submission deadline 15 September 2019


Requirements to oral presentations

Duration of plenary lectures - 30 minutes
Duration of invited lectures - 25 minutes
Duration of oral speech - 20 minutes

When delivering a presentation, speakers can demonstrate their slides in PPT or PDF formats. Presentations will be displayed on the projection screens in the break-out session halls. Aspect ratio is 16:9.

Speakers should adhere to the time allotted for a presentation as per the approved programme, including answers to questions and debates with the audience. Duration of a presentation can be changed in agreement with a representative of the section.

September 16   September 17    September 18   September 19   September 20

Poster Session

September 19, 2019
Minsk Marriott Hotel

20, Pobediteley Avenue, Minsk

Session 7. Metrology and standards

Stork Room 1
Chairman: Prof. Alexander Gurskii

9:00 | Invited I-13 "Requirements and evaluation of displays in autonomous cars"
K.Blankenbach (Pforzheim University, Germany)

9:25 | O-41 "Fourier optics technology for viewing angle measurements: past, present and future"
V.Collomb-Patton, P.Boher, T.Leroux (ELDIM, France)

9:45 | O-42 "Modular imaging measurement systems to cover automotive applications"
C.Fatho, M.Zorn (Konica Minolta Sensing Europe B.V., Germany)
M.Scholz (Radiant Vision Systems, USA)

10:05 | O-43 "Ultra high resolution imaging light measurement device for subpixel metrology of micro-LEDs and OLEDs"
J.Blanke, T.Steinel, M.Wolf (Instrument Systems GmbH, Germany)

10:25-10:45 | Coffee break

10:45 | O-44 "Color and spectral characteristics of white LEDs and their variation during aging"
M.Masheda (BELLIS Testing and Certification of Home Appliances and Industrial Products, Belarus)
A.Gurskii (Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Belarus)

11:05 | O-45 "Human visual system for evaluation of holographic image quality"
J.Nam, M.Park, S.Shin (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea)

12:30-14:00 | Lunch break

14:30-17:30 | City sightseeing bus tour, visits to companies